What do you do when you're not seeing the sales you were hoping for in your digital planner shop?
There are a lot of different things to consider.
Do you have a marketing plan? Because gone are the days when you could list your digital product on Etsy and walk away feeling confident that Etsy's SEO alone will bring your product to the top of your ideal customer's search results. It's important to find a way to reach your audience (email, social media, Pinterest, blog, YouTube, etc.).
Is there something that makes your products special? It could be your unique design style, or a message you're passionate about that shines through in your content pages!
OR (and this is what I want to talk about in this post) perhaps it's time to take a closer look at your listings images!
Y'all - you can create the most breathtaking digital planner that the world has ever seen, you can put time and money into marketing and get actual traffic to your shop BUT if you have cringe listing images, you're not going to make a single sale.
You should be putting the same amount of attention, time, and care into your listing images as you do for your digital planners!
Why? Because it's these images that make the buying decision for your customers!
Think about it.
Let's say you're shopping for the perfect summer dress online. Of course, you're going to pay attention to reviews, the sizing guide, the actual description of the dress. However, if you don't see a flattering image that catches your eye, if you can't envision yourself wearing that dress, you're never even going to get to the reviews and descriptions!
If the images you see are blurry/pixelated, don't show the full dress, depict the dress as ill fitting (either way too big or too small on the model), etc. - you're going to quickly move on. It's no different with the customers stopping by your digital planner shop!
So let's talk about what exactly makes for a quality listing image.
When creating your listing images for your digital planners, you're going to want to make sure that they include these five things:
1. A great font pairing
2. A flattering color palette that is a reflection of either your digital planner design OR your business/shop branding
3. A clear and descriptive title
4. Any important information your customers NEED to know. This could be the software your product is compatible with, any features that set your design apart from all the rest, a description of the content (what type of planning pages are included, is it meant for a specific audience, is it dated or undated, etc.). Even if all the features are included in your listing descriptions, trust me, MANY people skip over this.
5. A mockup of your design that looks EXACTLY like what your customers can expect to see when they load your digital planner to their iPad (your images MUST fit the mockups you're using to show off your designs).
Out of all of these “must haves” the area I find most lacking among digital planner sellers is absolutely #5 - MOCKUPS!
Oh boy...
I could ramble on here - put perhaps it would just be better to SHOW YOU! So go ahead and it play on the video above!
Psst - Do you love the digital calendars I shared in the video? Click the button below to learn more!